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Employee Engagement

Aware of the importance of the human factor for its competitiveness and growth, CleverTech has implemented an HR strategy primarily aimed at making the company more attractive to candidates, with the goal of establishing a 'contract of trust' with them. The objective is not only to attract talent but also to retain and help them flourish and grow

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Our values

The Code of Ethics at CLEVERTECH revolves around four values that we consider essential in the context of conducting our business

Employee Experience

CleverTech is committed to providing its collaborators with a healthy and collaborative work environment through the Digital Workplace, transforming the 'employee experience' and promoting efficiency and collaborative innovation.

Quality of Work Life

Clevertech is committed to implementing a serious and ongoing policy for improving Quality of Work Life (QWL), aiming to enhance employee engagement and productivity, ultimately improving their overall performance.

Ambassador Collaborators

CleverTech involves its collaborators in building its 'e-reputation.' Our collaborators are our ambassadors who reflect the culture of our company. By sharing their experiences on the career site and social media, they become ambassadors for the employer brand, especially in reaching out to all target audiences, with candidates being a top priority.

La formation chez Clevertech

CleverTech a accès à différentes plateformes de formations de pointe qui permettent aux collaborateurs d’acquérir les connaissances techniques dont ils ont besoin, au moment requis et de manière autonome.

Do you have any questions?

If you are a client seeking support for your digital projects or a talent in search of a new opportunity, we would be delighted to hear from you and engage in a discussion to address your needs.
Feel free to contact us; our team is ready to assist with your request!

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